Sounds and Presets: Open Up a Time Capsule For Your AX73 and a Wavetable Stash
Plus free Polybrute and MASK1 patches
As well as some amazing free sounds for two modern French classics, there’s a Time Capsule for your Martinic AX73 and a shedload of wavetables.
This week’s collection of synth food kicks off with a sound pack for a superb software recreation of a lesser-known but truly awesome synth, the Akai AX73. Then there’s a huge stash of wavetables that you can use in a multitude of instruments that import such things.
Sounds and Presets
Time Capsule ’86 for Martinic AX73 by Chris Linos
Akai’s AX73 was an oft-overlooked synth back in the day, but it was a true sleeper. Those who know, know. So when Martinic decided to recreate a software version it was incredibly welcome as it hadn’t really been attempted before. And I’m so glad they took it on.

Buried by the glut of digital synths of the time, the AX73 was criminally underrated, and this new bank of sounds focuses on the kinds of tones people were squeezing out of it back in 1986 when it first hit the market.
Every one of these patches in Time Capsule ’86 sounds like it literally jumped in a Delorean and set the time circuits to 2024. They’re unashamedly of that time, and there are many people who will lap this collection right up, not least because they currently have 50% off.
Buy Time Capsule ’86 right here for just £7 (50% off) for a limited time.

Free Arturia Polybrute patches from Synthtoxicated Pafreak
We’re still waiting for some dedicated Polybrute 12 third-party patches to hit the shelves, but I can tell you that I know of some that are in the works as we speak and I will report on them here as soon as they do.

So, for now, we will have to make do with patches designed for its predecessor, but that’s cool because both synths share the same engine so all patches are 100% compatible with both versions. It’s just that when you drop them into a PB12, things start getting even cooler.
This bank has been designed by an individual who goes by the name of Synthtoxicated Pafreak, and they made them available via one of Facebook’s Polybrute User’s groups. As soon as I loaded them up into my Polybrute 12, I was more than impressed.

There’s a real breadth of content here and most, if not all, use all of Polybrute’s expression facilities. But in the PB12, switching on the FullTouch mode brings even more expression that the original programmer could not have anticipated. And best of all, this 96 preset patch bank is 100% free!
Download the bank right here and use Polybrute Connect to import them into your Polybrute of choice.

Wavetable Synthesist Ultimate Stash by Ocean Swift
Wavetables have been a part of digital synthesis since their invention in the late 1950s and were made popular by Wolfgang Palm and his amazing PPG Wave synthesizer. Since then, they have become a staple of digital sound design.
There are many synths, both software and hardware, that employ the wavetable technique, not least KORG’s newest hardware synth, the multi/poly. There’s a lot of fun to be had in both creating and using wavetables in compatible synths and the technique conjures up many unique tones.
Ocean Swift create wavetables for many of the big name brands, including UVI Falcon, NI Kontakt, Serum, Vital and many more. Now, you can obtain these raw building blocks in a huge pack of over 7,500 wavetables, gathered together from Ocean Swift’s extensive collection.
There’s over 2.5GB of content here and whilst it usually retails for a mere €20, you can have this at half price until November 16th, 2024.

Galaxy Cat for Kodamo MASK1 by Cutting Edge
We only recently featured some new sounds for this criminally unappreciated digital synth, but now we have some more new and free sounds for Kodamo’s superb MASK1 synthesizer. As usual, it’s another free bank, this time containing 20 new patches covering a wealth of styles.

Dismiss the MASK1 at your peril. Whilst it commands a high price tag, the sound engine on it is really rather unique and packs like ‘Galaxy Cat’ really show off its capabilities.
‘Galaxy Cat’, along with a number of other MASK1 banks, is available to download for free directly from the Kodamo website.

70’s Studio Toolbox for GForce Oberheim OB-E by PolyData
Another repeat entry in our sounds and presets column are these brilliant new patch banks from GForce Software. This week, we have the ’70s Studio Toolbox’ for the absolutely awesome OB-E from GForce Software.

This officially licensed recreation of Tom Oberheim’s remarkable polysynth gets a bank of sounds that draw its inspiration from an era where large polys were still a very new concept. So convincing was Dave Spiers original launch demo for the OB-E that he managed to pass it off for the real thing!
Now, PolyData, who has created artist patch banks for other GForce instruments is back with a bank of sounds whose sonic roots are firmly planted in the era of flares, great coats, long hair and platform shows!
This bank, like the rest, sells directly from GForce for £14.99 and is available now.

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