by Robin Vincent | Approximate reading time: 2 Minutes
Vir2 Aeris Modulation

Vir2 Aeris Modulation  ·  Source:

Vir2 Aeris Pads Patch

Vir2 Aeris Pads Patch  ·  Source:

Vir2 Aeris Performance

Vir2 Aeris Performance  ·  Source:


Instruments based around vocals seem to be trending at the moment. Vir2 are throwing their hat into the ring with Aeris. They say it’s a “Hybrid Choir Designer” which makes it sound like you can place different people into a space to create your own customised choir – that would be really cool, but it’s not really that. Aeris is a large rompler of vocal samples stuffed through the forever-modulating Kontakt engine.


Aeris Features

The 10GB of sound sources includes 6 vocal groups consisting of bass, tenor, male choir, female choir, alto and soprano. From the Performance window you can turn each part on or off and apply some volume, pan and EQ controls. You have your classic vocal sound choices of Ah, Oh, Oo and a hum and full control over the speed of legato. You can set your keyboard to play the choirs together, overlapped within their range, or mapped to different parts of the keyboard to use them independently.

That’s all fine and good, I’m sure they are the most superb vocals ever sampled. Where it gets interesting is with the Kontakt engine of manipulation that they call “Movement”. There are 6 different modulation types including volume, pan, pitch and filter cut-off that are selectable in 4 LFOs which case set to 4 different wave types. The other side of movement is found in the step sequencer. There are 2 and they can be allocated to the same modulation types as the LFOs.


The sound examples demonstrate how great Aeris is at generating sumptuous pads and airy sounds. There are over 140 pad presets bundled into a collection they call “Pads Patch” which is really awkward to say but they do sound rather fabulous. It contains two pad engines which can be individually modified and blended together to form the uber pads patch. One last cool feature is the ability to load your own samples into a user patch and use all the modulation potential on them.

There’s nothing particularly new or innovative here but with Aeris you get a decent set of choir instruments coupled with an effective pad engine with plenty of room for sound manipulation, movement and expression.

Aeris Hybrid Choir Designer is available now for Kontakt 5 Player or higher, for OSX or Windows for £175.

More information on the Time and Space Aeris product page.

Vir2 Aeris Performance

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