AlphaTheta rekordbox Subscription Issues Ongoing, Generating Confusion
Having trouble with your DJ software? Ongoing rekordbox subscription issues are causing trouble for AlphaTheta users.
AlphaTheta rekordbox Subscription Issues
Users of rekordbox, the popular DJ software from AlphaTheta, have been reporting issues related to subscriptions. Messages of sudden cancellations, confusing automatic responses to support queries, existing users unable to cancel and new ones unable to subscribe are just a few of the issues. What’s going on?

According to AlphaTheta, the rekordbox subscription problem is being caused by server issues. It apparently began back on 25 January when “an external payment system integrated with the rekordbox system … stopped functioning,” the company said in an update posted to its website. “As a result, all payment processing within rekordbox is experiencing errors.”
AlphaTheta rekordbox Subscription Issues Under Investigation
As of January 31, the specific cause of the payment system failure was still under investigation. However, AlphaTheta has taken action, extending the contracts of customers whose subscriptions were automatically canceled. “This ensures that they can continue using their existing plans and features beyond the original expiration date,” the update says.

AlphaTheta rekordbox Subscription Issues: Temporary Solutions
For customers who wish to continue using rekordbox, AlphaTheta is considering charging the unpaid amount that could not be processed due to the system failure to the user’s registered payment method once the problem is solved.
For those trying to cancel, the company is looking for an alternative cancellation method and has assured customers that no automatic charges will be made during the outage period.
Lastly, for those trying to purchase or modify their plan, they’ll just have to sit tight until the server is repaired.
According to Reddit user ronda1117, who reached out to AlphaTheta nine days ago, “They are aware of the problem and working on it, but don’t have an anticipated date of resolution. However, they intend to email all affected customers once the issue is resolved. We just have to be patient.”
AlphaTheta rekordbox Subscription Issues: rekordbox Update
On February 6, AlphaTheta released rekordbox 7.0.9, which addressed problems some users were having with TIDAL but there’s no mention of the subscription issue.
Have you been affected by the server outage? Has it affected your opinion about DJ subscription services? Let us know in the comments.
More Information
- AlphaTheta rekordbox home page
- All about AlphaTheta
- All about DJing