Meet the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x and ATH-M50xBT2 LAB Limited Edition Headphones
A new edition designed by fans.
The LAB Edition presents the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x and ATH-M50xBT2 in a special version designed by fans of the beloved headphones.
Audio-Technica headphones are popular among artists, producers, DJs, and listeners who enjoy the comfortable design, detailed audio quality, and extended bass response.
Audio-Technica ATH-M50x and ATH-M50xBT2 LAB Edition
Using customer feedback since 2020, Audio-Technica began developing the ATH-M50xLAB and ATH-M50xBT2LAB headphones in January 2024. By using the hashtag #MyM50x2024 on X and Instagram, you can check out a range of designs inspired by anime comic-book characters, and other cartoon heroes.

A total of over 14,500 design entries were submitted over the month of January, with a short voting period before the announcement of the winners. In 3rd place was the Marvel-inspired “GOBLINGREENS” metallic design with 1,784 votes. Next, was “XXKAZOOXX” with 2,300 votes. Finally, with 3,127 votes was the winning orange, blue, and grey design from Bolivian DJ, Sergio Gamarra.
Blue represents trust and symbolizes the quality and reliability of the M50x. Orange awakens energy and creativity and underlines our enthusiasm for music. And gray gives the model a certain elegance and ensures a balanced overall impression with a modern touch
Sergio Gamarra
The LAB Edition will be available in both the wired ATH-M50x and the ATH-M50xBT2 Bluetooth versions, so you can enjoy the exciting design for studio or lifestyle applications. Both versions include protective pouches, and each comes with a specific set of cables.
The ATH-M50 was originally released as a studio headphone design in 2007, but it has been updated over the years, with several limited editions being subsequently produced. However, the LAB Edition represents the first time that an interactive design process was used by Audio-Technica and its fanbase. So, we’ll be looking forward to what they do next!
Pricing and availability:
The LAB Editions will be available soon from your favourite retailer.
MSRP Pricing is as follows:
- ATH-M50xLAB 189 €
- ATH-M50xBT2LAB 219 €

More about the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x LAB Edition:
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