Once I’d heard ‘Are Friends’ Electric?” by Tubeway Army, I knew synthesizers would be a huge part of my life. Despite drums becoming my main instrument for many years, I dabbled and lusted after countless pieces of gear and started using computers to help me make my own music with a Commodore 64 and a copy of Electrosound.
Over the years, I eventually progressed to more professional tools and began to truly indulge my love of electronic music making, slowly building a collection of gear that covered most synthesis methods, from sampling to physical modelling and beyond. However, my love of the gear that soundtracked my formative years was strong and I was fortunate enough to be asked to work with the inventor of the Fairlight CMI on their more recent projects. This then led to me restoring Fairlight CMI’s, something I still do to this day.
My home studio is now filled with classic vintage gear of the 80s and 90s, as well as modern classics. In recent years, I have been producing podcasts for Sound On Sound, as well as writing articles for them and I also present a weekly live stream for the Pro Synth Network. I still drum, albeit now on e-Drum kits, which are far easier to move around and a lot quieter when practising! You can often find me delivering seminars & lectures and at various synth shows around the world, talking about and demonstrating iconic synths.
This week, we have presets that work on both the hardware or software versions of two great synths. Everyone's a winner!
The EFNOTE 3 Style A delivers a minimally different alternative to the EFNOTE 3 Style B. Can you spot the difference?
Well here we are, ladies and gentlemen, it's 2025! I trust you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year? Did you get any new synths? If not, why not spruce up your existing gear with some new ...
Roger Linn took time over the weekend to share his thoughts on recent LinnDrum recreations.
Sonicware's CyDrums is their third instrument in the "Giant Gameboy" style form factor, with this unit promising 4D drum sounds that react, transform and evolve, using 64 proprietary wavetables.
With 2024 delivering a bumper crop of software synths, it's been tough to pick the cream of the crop, but here are my choices for Best Software Synths of 2024, along with others worthy of a mention.
Like No.17 buses, you get nothing for a while; then three turn up at once. The Behringer PHARA-O MINI is the third in their Mini range, with a 700S-inspired filter.
Eight months after announcing their ambition to manufacture their MiniDexed synth in a box, the Dtronics DT-DX has launched on Kickstarter and has already beaten its target!
We all love a good Xmas song, but what are the best and worst Synthy Xmas tracks that we love to hear or are desperate to avoid?
Joyeux Noël et bonne année from those lovely folks in Grenoble! A rather lovely free instrument can be yours right now in the shape of Augmented Mallets Play, compliments of Arturia!
This week, I take a look back through my Sounds and Presets column to pick out the best presets that we featured in 2024
Arturia update their brilliant MiniFreak hybrid synthesizer to version 3.0 and give us regular and granular sampling in both the hardware and software versions.
Moog Music update the Muse firmware to v1.3! This brings system-wide latency reductions and improvements to velocity response, Diffusion Delay fidelity and Mod map behaviour.
IconDrum is GForce Software's second dedicated drum machine plugin that recreates what many consider to be the greatest drum machine of all time. Have they hit that perfect beat?
Behringer's Pro VS Mini receives a v2.0 firmware update that brings a collection of useful updates, including an extra voice of polyphony!
For my last entry into this year's Synth Journal, I thought I'd take a retrospective look at some of the things that caught my eye in the synth world of 2024.
KORG's microKORG2 takes the legendary microKORG to new heights, much like the opsix did for FM synthesis. Check out these new KORG presets and more in this week's Sound and Presets.
Scott McAuley Sounds delivers one of the first Arturia Polybrute 12 specific sound banks, and Expressive E releases the Legend HZ Expressive Suite.
A guide to the best, smallest and quietest e-Drums for Christmas that you can gift the budding drummer in your family, we look at five small footprint kits that won't annoy your neighbours.
Initially produced as a limited run of units under Dr. Yu Endo's 'Personal Projects' banner, the SONICWARE ELZ_1 play gets a useful firmware update and officially joins the SONICWARE roster in full production!
Week after week, I deliver some amazing presets and samples to stuff into your instruments but why not learn to make your own with Anthony Marinelli's new "Think Like a Synth" course!
Not ones to rest on their laurels, Cherry Audio bring us the P-10, recreating one of the giants of analogue synthesis minus the weight and heat issues!
This week's sumptuous helping of the smaller stories in the world of synths contains some interesting DIY Synth projects and a compelling new take on hardware strumming synths.
The KORG nanoKEY Fold takes portable keyboard technology to the extreme with a fold-up control surface that slips right inside your jacket pocket for when inspiration strikes on the move!