Impulse Response cabinets: Getting better guitar tones in your DAW
Cabinet Impulse Responses are a great way to tailor your guitar sounds in your DAW, adding realism to your virtual guitar amp simulation as well as opening up the sound.How to add more sustain to your Stratocaster, Telecaster or any other bolt-on neck guitar
26 Dec 2015 in Guitar
This simple setup trick will add sustain to any guitar with a four-bolt neck. It is simple and requires no specialist tools or new parts.
Free guitar amp simulations: why you really should be using them
There are some great free virtual guitar amps for your recordings. Both Mac and PC platforms offer software that doesn't cost you anything.First steps to better guitar tone – without spending any money
19 Dec 2015 in Guitar
Guitarists all love the phrase 'tone' and we all want those tones that we hear our favourite players getting. Whether it be searing leads, crystal cleans or texas sizzle.
Recording guitars for next to nothing or how to find a DAW for peanuts.
Recording guitars does not have to be expensive and in some cases can be practically free. So you do not have to spend a fortune to get great quality results. This weeks instalment should get you going for ...Sticky Nuts? Here is a cheap and easy fix for your guitar tuning woes.
12 Dec 2015 in Guitar
Tuning issues can be a real pain. But often the fault can be fixed cheaply and easily with some common household items and save you having to pay out for a guitar tech.