by Rob Puricelli | 5,0 / 5,0 | Approximate reading time: 6 Minutes
waldorf-blofeld-plugin-main hardware or software

Waldorf Blofeld plugin  ·  Source: Waldorf


This week, we have presets that work on both the hardware or software versions of two great synths. Everyone’s a winner!


Nowadays, we live in a world where one can have the tactility of a hardware synth as well as the convenience of an exact software replica. Whether we prefer hardware or software, we can have the best of both worlds. So, we kick off this week’s column with two packs that cater for two fantastic synths that have their feet in both worlds.

Granular Textures for Arturia MiniFreak/MiniFreak V by Anton Anru

If the Arturia MiniFreak had a mod grip a la SH-101 and the ability to be powered by batteries, it might just rank as one of my all-time favourite synths. These two omissions aside though, it really is one of my favourite synths of the last 5-10 years.

Arturia MiniFreak Hardware or software
Source: Arturia

Hugely powerful, compact, a joy to play AND comes with a 1:1 software replica that also acts as an editor/librarian for the hardware. And it just got a superb update to include granular sampling! It now packs a whopping 30 different sound engines into its minimalist frame.

Jumping on the granular train is Anton Anru, who has just released a pack of 64 well-crafted presets that take full advantage of the new granular engine. Making use of all the sound-shaping tools that the MiniFreak has to offer, these are sounds that betray the tiny size of this amazing synth.

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For me, granular sampling has been one of the most important evolutions of this 40+ year old technology, and Anton has used it very well indeed in this superb pack that can definitely lay claim as one of the first out-of-the-gate when it comes to the MiniFreak.

MiniFreak V 3.0 Hardware or Software
MiniFreak V 3.0 · Source: Arturia

Of course, the bonus is that this can be used in the hardware or software version of MiniFreak and hopefully, if Arturia hurry up with the update for Astrolab, you will be able to play these with that fine keyboard too!

You can buy Anton’s Granular Presets for Arturia’s MiniFreak and MiniFreak V here for just $24.95!

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Arturia MiniFreak
Arturia MiniFreak
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Arturia V Collection X Download
Arturia V Collection X Download
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Sounds for Waldorf Blofeld Hardware or Software Versions by Kulshan Studios

Another hardware classic that has recently seen an all-new software version is Waldorf’s much-loved Blofeld. Like the MiniFreak, the Blofeld is a compact powerhouse that can be enjoyed both in and out of the box.

Blofeld 2 models
Waldorf Blofeld · Source: Waldorf

The Blofeld combines powerful VA synthesis with its trademark wavetable engines that can trace their lineage back to the legendary PPG Wave. With over 1000 presets onboard, this tiny desktop module packed a real punch and is adored by its users.

The lure of the Blofeld is clearly still with us, as Waldorf released the plugin version just the other week, making many people happy. There was also a keyboard version made and, whilst not as compact as the MiniFreak, it is still a fab bit of gear.

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Kulshan Sounds has been making many banks of presets for some time now, but I picked their Blofeld range because it will definitely appeal to seasoned Blofeld users as well as those who are now discovering it for the first time as a plugin.

Waldorf Blofeld plugin · Source: Waldorf

Kulshan’s Blofeld portfolio consists of 10 banks that cover genres that include trance, hardstyle, psytrance, house, techno, drum and bass and something known as ‘hands up’. Nope, I’m too old for this! Either way, there’s a broad collection of sounds to work through.

Each bank is available for $23 and contains over 90 presets in each. You can check out the range here.

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Waldorf Blofeld
Waldorf Blofeld
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Waldorf Blofeld Black
Waldorf Blofeld Black
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Waldorf Blofeld Plugin Download
Waldorf Blofeld Plugin Download
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Waldorf Blofeld Keyboard
Waldorf Blofeld Keyboard
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Waldorf Blofeld Keyboard Black
Waldorf Blofeld Keyboard Black
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Splice Country by Splice

Leaving the hardware or software thing behind for now, we’re off to the world of Splice which has been making a name for itself in recent years. Splice is a vast collection of samples, loops, hits, FX, MIDI files and presets, all accessible via their subscription service.

hardware or software
Splice Country

Because their library is so huge, you can often waste a lot of time looking for what you need so their Create, AI-based tool is a fantastic way to narrow things down for you. And now, if country music is your bent, Create can help you find your favourite Nashville-inspired licks quicker than a varmint shooting down the gutter pipe!

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Create not only helps you find stuff, but it also helps you match content up to work with what you’ve already found. Splice doesn’t need to be daunting just because it’s huge. And now Create has support for the Country genre within the Splice repository.

You can check out Splice’s considerable country-based library right here.

Sound Bank ’79 for Cherry Audio P-10 by Polydata

Polydata are regulars in this column and here they are again with another chapter in their ongoing series of sound libraries in the Sound Bank ’79 series. This time, they’re focusing on a synth that emerged shortly after that time frame but, nevertheless, has its roots firmly entrenched in that year.

Cherry Audio P-10
Cherry Audio P-10 · Source: Cherry Audio

The Sequential Circuits Prophet 10 was, to all intents and purposes, two Prophet 5’s in a flippin’ HUGE box with two keyboards. But it wasn’t just as simple as that as you could use these two engines together in a somewhat unique way. And last year, Cherry Audio gave us their interpretation of this behemoth with their P-10.

The reborn Sequential gave us a brand new hardware Prophet 10 with their superb Rev.4 model but for many of us mere mortals, Cherry Audio’s P-10 is a fantastic software substitute. It nails both the sound and the experience. Some thought that a dual manual software keyboard would be too much, but they were wrong!

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And now, Polydata bring their nostalgia-dipped sounds to this massive synth and its as if we’d been transported back to that pivotal moment in music where the enema of punk had cleared the way for the sound of the future, the sound of synths.

As with all of the Sound Bank ’79 series, the P-10 library captures those nascent, wonky sounds in all their glory, sending you right back to those heady days where the future felt like it was just within our reach. and we were on the cusp of something mind-blowing.

P-10 Sound Bank ’79 contains 35 presets for a miserly $12 and is available right now at their website.

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Cherry Audio P-10 Download
Cherry Audio P-10 Download No customer rating available yet

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Arturia MiniFreak V Hardware or Software

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