The Harrison Audio Mixbus 10.2.3 Update adds Region Effects Feature
The latest update offers flexible effects processing.
[2 December, 2024] The DAW an analogue sensibility, Harrison Audio Mixbus, introduces its version 10.2.3 Update with a versatile Region Effects function.
Mixbus Updates
Now that SSL is behind Harrison Audio, we can expect great things. Mixbus has always been a high-quality DAW with a cult following, but we can look forward to it competing with all the other professional DAW systems on the market.
With region effects, you may add one or more plugins to a region. Those plugins are retained with the region, and your settings can be revisited later if you want to change the plugin’s settings. You may also automate the settings across the length of the region.
Harrison Audio Mixbus 10.2.3 Update
With Region Effects, you can add effects plug-ins onto individual audio regions, which can be useful in both mixing and mastering workflows. For incidental effects like delay or reverb throws, you can now simply slice the vocal region and add plug-ins directly to the piece of the performance that you’d like to accentuate.
This avoids complex automation, as the region can simply be copied and pasted wherever you need to use the effect on the project timeline. Any vocal tuning you added to one chorus, will automatically be duplicated as you copy the vocal lines. In addition, if you move any audio region from one channel to another, the Region Effects move with it.
In mastering, this is useful, as you can add different plug-in chains to your verses and choruses. Overall, it’s an exciting new feature for all three tiers of Mixbus users.
The 10.2.3 Update is free to all Mixbus 10 license holders.
[05 September, 2024]
Harrison Audio Mixbus 10.1 Update
The Harrison Audio Mixbus 10.1 provides extensive “under-the-hood” improvements including support for the latest Dolby Atmos algorithms.
With the Dolby Atmos improvements in 10.1, panning is now multi-threaded for parallel processing, and the fixes could cause some variances in loudness measurements between projects from version 10.
In addition, Harrison Audio has made a wide range of fixes to UI and workflow, as well as compatibility issues with SSL360 and macOS. For a full list of changes, please follow the link below:
Harrison Audio Mixbus 10
[19 April, 2024]
With its True Analogue Mix Engine (TAME) Harrison Mixbus provides an authentically analogue-modelled recording and music production environment.
Armed with the legendary EQ and channel strips from the Harrison 32C console, Mixbus is a great option for users who want a knob per parameter interface and a more analogue-style recording and mixing workflow.
With the latest update of Mixbus, it’s important to note that most of the new key innovations are only available in the Pro version. This includes both the SSL 9000J EQ and support for Dolby Atmos, which are exciting features nonetheless.
As Harrison Audio recently became a division of SSL, it’s no surprise that we are seeing cross-pollination between these two brands. On each channel within Mixbus, you now have the option to flip between the SSL 9000J EQ and the Harrison 32 C EQ.
This adds an extra degree of versatility, and you can AB your settings between the two console EQs. Furthermore, this allows you to quickly find the best style of EQ for your drum channels, guitars, or vocals.
Meanwhile, Mixbus 10 Pro offers immersive mixing capabilities and Dolby Atmos support combined with the functionality to export ADM Master for immersive streaming applications. Also, there is up to 7.1.4 support for playing back mixes and an integrated engine for simulating surround mixes on headphones.
Immersive features within Mixbus 10 Pro also include the new multichannel master bus. Here, you get intelligent metering for the master, as well as 3D panning on each channel of the mixer.
Pricing and availability:
Mixbus 10 is available directly from Harrison Audio, starting at $129 for the basic edition, $349 for the Plus edition, and $499 for the Pro edition.

More about Harrison Audio Mixbus 10:
- Official Product Page
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