by Robin Vincent | Approximate reading time: 1 Minute
Liquid Sky

Liquid Sky  路  Source: Liquid Sky

Liquid Sky

Liquid Sky  路  Source: Liquid Sky


Are you weird, motivated and into developing hardware or iOS apps for new electronic “art gear” projects for artist collective Liquid Sky? Then this is the opportunity of a lifetime.


Liquid Sky Instruments

You may be most familiar with Liquid Sky through their work with Erica Synths. They’ve put together audacious bundles of modules into systems like the Liquid Sky Dada Noise System.

Erica Synths Liquid Sky Dada Noise System

Erica Synths Liquid Sky Dada Noise System 路 Source: Erica Synths

They were also involved along with Ninja Tune in the development of some stand-alone projects like the Zen Delay.


Ninja Tune Zen Delay

Ninja Tune Zen Delay 路 Source: LiquidSkyBerlin

Now Dr Walker (Ingmar Koch) of the Liquid Sky Artist Collective聽is kicking off a new venture called “Liquid Sky Instruments” and is reaching out to find developers for a new line of desktop, non-Eurorack, music and video “art gear”. If that’s something that interests you and you consider yourself a highly motivated hardware or iOS developer then contact him directly at

More information

Liquid Sky

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