MakeItLoud, Time Turtle, Sosir Freeze-Delay: Free Plugins of the Week
MakeItLoud by DirektDSP is a combination of a compressor and a distortion effect that does just what it says! This week’s collection of the best free plugins also brings you two unique delay plugins. Have fun!
DirektDSP MakeItLoud: Freebie for more Punch and Character
MakeItLoud is your one-stop shop for adding punch and loudness to your signals. It combines compression and distortion in a single plugin. Simply choose the preferred mode (Clean, Push It Further, Loud n’ Crunchy, Custom), adjust the input and output levels and turn up the Boost knob to add the desired amount of effect. And if you want to dive deeper, MakeItLoud also allows you to fine-tune the compression settings (Threshold, Ratio, Attack, Release).
MakeItLoud is available for macOS and Windows in VST3 and AU formats. The plugin is distributed under a name-your-own-price model, so be sure to support the developers if you like it.

Vox Samples Time Turtle: Simple and Effective Delay
After Fat Cat and Pixel Rabbit, Time Turtle is the third member of a whole zoo of freebies from Vox Samples. This time, it’s all about delay. From slapback echoes to doubling to tempo-synced repetitions, Time Turtle does it all.

The user interface couldn’t be any simpler: In addition to large Time and Feedback knobs, Time Turtle offers low-cut and high-cut filters and a Mix control for dialing in the desired effect amount. There’s also a ping-pong switch. Simple and effective!
Time Turtle is available for macOS and Windows in VST3 and AU formats.
NUSofting Sosir Freeze-Delay: Secret Weapon for Ambient Soundscapes
Now here’s a strange beast. As the name suggests, Sosir Freeze-Delay by NUSofting is also a delay, but a rather unusual one. The idea is to turn a plucked sound (i.e. a plucked guitar string) into a bowed sound. The plugin achieves this by freezing the input signal.
The Bow section lets you adjust the basic timbre of the bowed sound using the Sound Choice slider. You can also dial in the desired amount of the bowed sound and a lower octave. The Delay section consists of Time and Feedback knobs and an LFO for modulation. With the right settings, Sosir can turn a short pluck into an endless wash of sound. Very nice!
Sosir Freeze-Delay is a VST3 plugin for Windows.
Looking for more free plugins like MakeItLoud, Time Turtle, and Sosir Freeze-Delay? Check out our huge archive!