by Simon Allen | 5,0 / 5,0 | Approximate reading time: 2 Minutes
Mathew Lane StereoDelta Plugin

Mathew Lane StereoDelta Plugin  路  Source:

Mathew Lane DrMS Plugin

Mathew Lane DrMS Plugin  路  Source:


Typically I have a pet hate for one-knob style plugins. It almost feels like cheating and can give false hope to those that do not understand the priciples of engineering (check out聽my ‘Plugins For Knobs‘ article). I also use stereo enhancement tools cautiously as they can present issues聽when checking for mono compatibility. StereoDelta however appears to break both these conceptions of mine.


StereoDelta: the bi-product of DrMS

The really important fact to note with this plugin release is the heritage of StereoDelta. It is derived from the reasonably complicated and fiddly DrMS. DrMS is highly regarded as a high-quality stereo imaging tool that offers聽something different to any similar processes. Based on mid-side processing, it also adds ‘Focus’ and ‘Depth’ sections which cross-feed the mid and side signals into each other.

Whilst DrMS provides huge scope for processing the stereo image of either an entire mix or any element in a mix, you can get yourself into trouble if you don’t know what you are doing. For those that are in the know, it can simply take a while to find the desired settings for DrMS’s聽many parameters. (See the second image above.)


Therefore, Stereo Delta is designed for those that want the extreme processing that DrMS can deliver, but hopefully without the pain or worry that something is amiss. Equally, those that already use DrMS, will enjoy StereoDelta for adding聽a similar process in a hurry or on a source that doesn’t require much work. It should be noted that both these plugins are designed for stereo in and stereo out, and aren’t really intended for widening mono sources. StereoDelta can also be used to mono a stereo signal, or at least narrow the stereo spread, which I quite like the idea of having on聽a single knob.

As I haven’t used StereoDelta yet, and would advise this anyway, I suggest users check their mono compatibility as a matter of habit. However, Mathew Lane advertise “Full mono compatibility”.

More Information

The official site聽for the StereoDelta plugin can be found on this webpage聽where a 14 day trial can be downloaded. However, whilst the plugin is only priced 59 USD +VAT on Mathew’s site, the Don’t Crack website have an introductory offer of聽only 49 USD. Additionally, check out the store on the Mathew Lane website as there are some cool bundles available. Apparently the DrMS +聽StereoDelta bundle is proving popular, giving you the option to use the version which is appropriate to the task in hand. There are also some upgrade options available for those that already own DrMS.

StereoDelta is available for Windows and Macintosh systems in AAX, VST and AU formats. They even give you a 32-bit and a 64-bit version, which is becoming increasingly rare by some manufacturers.

Mathew Lane StereoDelta Plugin

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