by Robin Vincent | Approximate reading time: 1 Minute

Moog Sub 37 Editor  路  Source:


Do you ever get tired of twisting all those knobs and hanker for the good old days of mouse-driven synthesis? Well Moog understand that sometimes only a computer can offer the sort of detail demanded by today’s synth-head. And so they’ve released an editor for the Moog Sub 37 analogue synthesiser.


When the Sub 37 first shipped back at the end of 2014 an editor was supposed to be included, however it hasn’t materialised until now. Perhaps it was a bigger undertaking than they anticipated and judging by the length of the thread on their forums there are many eager customers who have been waiting patiently for a very long time. The editor can operate standalone or as a plugin and gives immediate access to the Sub 37’s hardware parameters while serving as a bridge between the analogue circuits and your DAW.

It will come with over 250 new presets including banks and experimental patches from collectives and artists such as Trash Audio, Alessandro Cortinit, Surachai Sutthusasanakul, Justin McGrath and Richard Devine. The editor provides depth and access to some of the more complex areas of the synth not readily available on the hardware panel. It can also act as a librarian letting you store and recall patches – particularly useful for storing patches into your projects.


Initially, I wondered why you’d want to return to a mouse when you have all those lovely knobs at your disposal. But the ability to easily store and recall patches, the simpler automation and perhaps getting behind the hardware panels does make for something quite interesting.

The Moog Sub 37 Editor is free download to all registered users along with a new firmware to make it all work.

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