by Lyubomir Dobrev | Approximate reading time: 1 Minute
TK DP2 microphone preamp

 路  Source: TK Audio


Swedish boutique recording gear manufacturer TK Audio has just announced the DP2, a dual rack-mount microphone preamp. Both channels of the unit are transformer-balanced, incorporating high-end Lundahl transformers. They also offer sweepable high-pass filters, switchable input impedance, 48V phantom power, pad switches, and Hi-Z instrument inputs. The microphone amplifiers deliver an ample 80dB of gain and offer switchable circuitry – one circuit is designed for maximum transparency, the other for added mid-range crunch by virtue of germanium transistors.


Likewise, the DP2’s output stage also incorporates a pair of switchable circuits. One is electronically balanced with the goal of transparency and fidelity. The other features a Class A output circuit with a Carnhill transformer at the heart of it, aiming for a 70’s British preamp character with a characteristic low-mid presence and round top end.


Additionally, the DP-2 features separate input and output gain controls. This way, one can manage a safe input level for low distortion and maximum clarity, or easily overdrive the preamp for more punch and mojo. With these capabilities and stepped controls for easy parameter adjustment, the DP-2 comes off as a versatile unit capable of variation and multiple sonic flavours.

Price & availability

TK Audio will start selling the DP-2 from January 25 for the price of 1649 USD | 1329 EUR | 1149 GBP excluding sales tax and VAT where applicable. The price is in line with expectations for a boutique-type hardware preamp. Competing in this particular segment is difficult, considering the limited number of buyers and the wide choice for authentic recreations of the iconic Neve 1073 mic preamp that have appeared over the past year or two, priced between 1000 to 2000 USD. While product quality is probably airtight, TK Audio may have to make significant investments in marketing in order to make a dent.

More information

TK DP2 microphone preamp

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