by Lasse Eilers | 3,4 / 5,0 | Approximate reading time: 2 Minutes
NKS Hardware Partner Program

NKS Hardware Partner Program  ·  Source: Native Instruments, AKAI Professional, KORG, Novation, M-Audio, Nektar


Many keyboard controllers from AKAI Professional, Novation, Nektar, KORG, and M-Audio will soon support the Native Instruments NKS standard. At NAMM 2025, the developer announced the NKS Hardware Partner Program.

NKS Support for 3rd-Party Keyboard Controllers

If you own a current keyboard controller from AKAI ProfessionalNovationNektarKORG, or M-Audio, or are thinking about getting one, you could soon benefit from Native Instruments NKS support. The standard, which was first rolled out about a decade ago, enables intuitive control of many plugins and software instruments by NI and many 3rd-party developers. With compatible plugins and a supported controller, you no longer need to manually assign the knobs and faders. Pre-configured mappings make short work of what used to be a tedious task.

AKAI MPK Mini Plus
MPK Mini Plus · Source: AKAI Professional

Until now, you needed a Native Instruments controller to make full use of the standard. The new NKS Hardware Partner Program, which Native Instruments announced today, brings support to many controllers from the aforementioned manufacturers.

The AKAI MPK Mini series controllers (MPK Mini MK3Mini Play Mk3Mini Plus) are among the first to be supported through the program. Native Instruments announced an extended collaboration with AKAI Professional today, which also includes exclusive content for the MPC series.

Launchkey Mk4 series
The Launchkey Mk4 is available in six sizes · Source: Novation

The Novation Launchkey MK3Launchkey MK4, and FLkey series will also receive NKS support to complement the already seamless DAW integration of the keyboards.


Native Instruments will also extend support to the Nektar Impact LX25+KORG Keystage, and the current line of M-Audio Oxygen controllers.

Oxygen 61 MKV · Source: M-Audio

Support for the aforementioned keyboard controllers will be rolled out over the coming months.

Komplete 15 Select Included

As an added bonus, owners of NKS-compatible keyboard controllers will receive a free license for Native Instruments Komplete 15 Select. You can choose from the Beats, Band, or Electronic editions, each of which includes a different selection of software instruments and effects. Vouchers for Komplete 15 Select will be available from the manufacturers of the keyboards once NKS support is available.

Most of the controllers included in the program are available from Thomann (find the complete list here*).

Affiliate Links
AKAI Professional MPK Mini MK3
AKAI Professional MPK Mini MK3
Customer rating:
Novation Launchkey Mini 25 MK4
Novation Launchkey Mini 25 MK4
Customer rating:
Novation Launchkey 25 MK4
Novation Launchkey 25 MK4
Customer rating:
Novation FLkey Mini
Novation FLkey Mini
Customer rating:
Novation 49SL MKIII
Novation 49SL MKIII
Customer rating:
M-Audio Oxygen 25 MK5
M-Audio Oxygen 25 MK5
Customer rating:

More Information

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NKS Hardware Partner Program

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2 responses to “Native Instruments Announces NKS Support for AKAI, Novation, Nektar, KORG & M-Audio”

    Ugo says:

    Hmm… What does it mean anyway? How can a MPK Mini of a Launchkey benefit from NKS? Or vice-versa?
    So they will just midi map its 8 knobs to the NI wrapper plugin? You can do that already now.
    The NKS standard makes sense to me only with devices with huge screens, so you can see and control a plugin from it without watching the monitor. All the rest is just a generic midi controller.

    Mogman Butch says:

    I’d rather watch my cash grow feet and jump off a waterfall than spend money buying the KORG crap build material and their ancient interfaces

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