by Robin Vincent | 4,2 / 5,0 | Approximate reading time: 1 Minute
Pittsburgh Safari 6

Pittsburgh Safari 6  路  Source: Pittsburgh Modular


It makes no sense, but Pittsburgh Modular are doggedly following their safari theme of new modules with a pair of Okapi mixers, and a Koi buffered Splitter.



It’s some kind of weird giraffe that thinks it’s a zebra. But in Pittsburgh Modular world, it’s the inspiration for a pair of mixer modules. One is a 2+2 summing mixer; the other is a 4-channel stereo mixer. Both are full of vintage character through a nice bit of compression and saturation.

You’ll find LED monitoring and two mixing modes that can switch from clean mixing to saturated blending. In clean mode, you can mix either audio or CV but throw the saturate switch and things get dicey, in the best possible way. You also have a global mute switch which is very handy.

In the 2+2 you’ll find individual phase inversion and mutes, and you can split off channels 1&2 separately from 3&4 if you wish. The Stereo Okapi has panning on each channel, making it a super submix for drums and all sorts of activities.


As usual, these are put together by the Pittsburgh Modular level of expertise and are bound to sound great. I love the idea of switching in a bit of a vintage vibe as well as taking on duties as a modulation mixer.

Koi Buffered Splitter

The fish is a good old-fashioned mult with three lots of 1-to-3 splitting. They are chained and fully buffered with LEDs and a nice fish on the front.

The mixers are $99, and the Koi is $149, and they are experimentally available now in limited numbers. You just never know what part of the menagerie will come off the PM ark next.

  • Pittsburgh Modular website.
  • More from Pittsburgh Modular.


Pittsburgh Safari 6

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