Protility, Mix Locker, Colours: Free Plugins of the Week
Protility is a free audio toolkit that makes short work of many essential mixing tasks! This week’s edition of Free Plugins also brings you an all-in-one mixing suite and a unique additive synth. Enjoy!
Free Plugins of the Week
Process Audio Protility: All-in-one Audio Problem Solver
Protility by Process Audio takes care of all those unassuming little tasks that are essential for a great-sounding mix, but often overlooked or neglected. As an all-in-one tool for gain staging, trimming, phase alignment, stereo width management, filtering, and metering, Protility helps to get your signals ready for a tight and coherent mix.

For example, you can use Protility’s stereo width module to widen your mix while mono-ing the bass to tighten the low frequencies. The plugin also lets you flip the phase of the left and right channels and apply a sample delay if needed to fine-tune the timing. There’s also a Phase control with an adjustable all-pass filter for adjusting the low-frequency phase.
Moreover, Protility includes a highpass filter for cleaning up the low end, independent pan controls for the left and right channels, and a trim slider for precise volume adjustments. A universal toolkit that should be in any producer’s arsenal – especially since it’s free!
Protility is available for macOS and Windows in VST, AU, and AAX formats.
Audio Assault Mix Locker: All-in-one Mixing Suite
Audio Assault is best known for Amp Locker, its collection of amp simulations for guitar and bass. Now, the developer has applied the same concept to studio effects and created Mix Locker, a virtual rack that allows you to build custom effects chains, similar to a 500-series lunchbox. And here’s the best part: The basic version of Mix Locker is free and comes with a selection of effects to get you started.

In addition to a noise gate, two compressors, two EQs, and a filter module, the free version of Mix Locker includes a de-esser, a multitap delay, and an algorithmic reverb. Additional modules are available for an introductory price of $5 apiece, or you can get the complete analog bundle for $49.99.
Mix Locker is available for macOS, Windows, and Linux in VST3, AU, and AAX formats.
TeMuFra Colours: Free Additive Synth
Colours by TeMuFra is a polyphonic additive synth. The colorful interface allows you to adjust each harmonic separately to shape the final waveform, which is visualized by an oscilloscope. For modulation, Colours has two AHDSR envelopes and two LFOs, which you can assign to various parameters using the modulation matrix.
Colours is available for macOS and Intel in VST3 and AU formats.
Looking for more free plugins like Protility, Mix Locker, and Colours? Check out our archive!