Put a Power Handle on your Model:Samples or Model:Cycles and take it away
The Power Handle BP-1 is a neat innovation from Elektron that adds battery power to the Model:Samples or Model:Cycles disguised as a carry handle.
Power Handle BP-1
It genuinely looks quite good and even manages to elevate the slightly ropey look of the Model range to something more sophisticated. On its own it looks a bit like a towel rail but once installed it looks like it’s always meant to be there.
As a bonus the BP-1 folds back into a kind of stand that props the device up at a natty angle.
In the box you get the Power Handle, a good looking braided cable that connects the power socket on the Model to the Power Handle, and a connection screw. Having just the one connection screw doesn’t sound all that secure but I’m assuming the other side is held with the cable.
What’s not included in any batteries but if you steal 4 x AAs out of a remote control somewhere then you can potentially run your Elektron box for several hours.
I absolutely assumed that such an accessory would cost a small fortune but actually, it’s a pretty reasonable £42.
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2 responses to “Put a Power Handle on your Model:Samples or Model:Cycles and take it away”
I LOLed at the towel rail comment 😀 Been waiting for this for ages!
After years of waiting… an empty battery sleeve? I really don’t understand. Hard pass, especially at $50. I’d rather rig a usb power bank and tablet stand for half that price. What an absolute shame.