RipplerX, FeenstaubTC, Attractor: Free Plugins of the Week
RipplerX is an awesome free physical modeling synth similar to AAS Chromaphone and Ableton Collision! This week’s roundup of the best free plugins also features two new dynamic processors: FeenstaubTC and Attractor.
Free Plugins of the Week
RipplerX: Free Physical Modeling Synth
If you’re familiar with physical modeling synths such as AAS Chromaphone 3, you already have an idea of what this awesome open-source synth can do. RipplerX is a physical modeling synth with dual resonators, each offering a choice of nine different models: String, Beam, Squared, Membrane, Drumhead, Plate, Marimba, Open tube, and Closed tube.

You can shape the timbre using the Inharmocity, Tone, Ratio, and Material controls. In addition to the dual resonators, RipplerX also features noise and mallet generators for further sound shaping. Fantastic stuff!
RipplerX is currently available for macOS, Windows, and Linux in VST3, AU, and LV2 formats.
Variety of Sound FeenstaubTC: Free Tube Compressor
Following up on FeenstaubTX, Variety of Sound has released FeenstaubTC, a free tube compressor plugin. The developer says that the goal was to capture the warm and powerful sound of classic tube compressors and take it a step further. They achieved this by integrating the saturation and coloration characteristics of classic tape machines into the compression process.
FeenStaubTC offers Variable-Mu compression for smooth dynamic shaping, as well as tape-style saturation and harmonic coloration. It’s based on a transformer-coupled circuit design.
FeenstaubTC is available for Windows in VST and VST3 formats.
Analog Obsession Attractor: Compress the Attack and Release Differently
Attractor by Analog Obsession is a unique dynamic processor and transient shaper that lets you process the attack and release portions of the signal independently. Each section offers a 2-band EQ, a single-knob compressor with auto-gain and auto attack and release times, a saturation control, and a volume knob. Attractor also has a Mix knob for blending the processed and dry signals, as well as a Master output control.
Attractor is available for macOS and Windows in VST3, AU, and AAX formats.
Looking for more free plugins like RipplerX, FeenstaubTC, and Attractor? Check out our huge archive!