S Doubler, microXFORMer, Fire Boy: Free Plugins of the Week
S Doubler by SoliderSound effortlessly adds thickness and width to your tracks by creating four layered voices and distributing them in the stereo field! This week’s collection of the best free plugins also features microXFORMer, a versatile transformer saturation plugin, and Fire Boy, a nice little bass enhancer.
SoliderSound S Doubler
After S Pulser, SoliderSound is back with another very useful free plugin. S Doubler is designed to add width and depth to your vocal and instrument tracks. It does this by creating four doubling voices, which you can then position in the stereo field using the Spread and Depth controls.
But S Doubler has some more tricks up its sleeve. The plugin also includes a frequency range slider that allows you to limit the doubling effect to specific frequencies. There’s also a tilt EQ for quick and easy sound shaping. And with mid/side processing, quick A/B comparisons, undo/redo, a scalable GUI, and a great selection of plugin formats, it’s quite polished for a free plugin. Definitely worth checking out!
S Doubler is available for macOS and Windows in VST, VST3, AU, and AAX formats.

Psycho Circuitry microXFORMer
Psycho Circuitry has released microXFORMer, a versatile transformer saturation plugin. In the free version, you can choose from two different transformer types: Modern Clean and Vintage Crunch. Then adjust the input level, dial in the desired saturation or overdrive using the large Drive knob, and blend it with the dry signal using the Mix control.
So far, so good. But that’s not all. microXFORMer also lets you take control of the character of the distortion using the Hysterisis knob, which provides an additional sound shaping option.
Like all Psycho Circuitry plugins, microXFORMer is available in free and paid versions. The paid version (microXFORMer+, $19 intro price) adds two additional modes, plus Hysterisis Amount and Contour controls.
microXFORMer is available for macOS and Windows in VST3 and AU formats.
Vox Samples Fire Boy
Here’s another one of Vox Samples’ colorful freebies. Like the predecessors Fat Cat, Pixel Rabbit, and Time Turtle, Fire Boy is a simple plugin that does just one thing, but is incredibly easy to throw on a track and use.
A bass enhancer, Fire Boy has a large Intensity knob for dialing in the desired effect amount. You can also adjust the Frequency to match the fundamental frequency you’d like to enhance. Moreover, a Gain knob allows you to compensate for excessive levels.
Fire Boy is available for macOS and Windows in VST3 and AU formats.
Looking for more free plugins like S Doubler, microXFORMer and Fire Boy? Check out our archive!