Shimmer Guitar, Duplex Comp Lite, AALHaas: Free Plugins of the Week
Shimmer Guitar is the latest free instrument in the vaults series by The Crow Hill Company. Other freebies this week include a serial compressor and a stereo imaging tool.
The Crow Hill Company Vaults Shimmer Guitar
If you haven’t discovered the Vaults series by The Crow Hill Company yet, you’re in for a treat. The Edinburgh-based team of sound enthusiasts collects unique sounds recorded at the famous AIR Lyndhurst studios and releases them for free in the Vaults series. It’s a similar concept to the equally wonderful LABS series by Spitfire Audio.
So far, there are four instruments in the Vaults series: Attic Grand, R+D Strings, Celestatone, and the new Shimmer Guitar. They run inside the free Vaults plugin: You only need to download one plugin to receive new libraries as they’re released. You do have to sign up for a user account on the company’s website, though.
Shimmer Guitar is a guitar sound with a huge ambient reverb. You can fine-tune the sound using the shimmer, filter, drive, modulation, echo, and splosh controls. Great for ambient textures and dreamy soundscapes!
Vaults runs on macOS and Windows in VST, VST3, AU, and AAX formats.

Viator DSP Duplex Comp Lite: Serial VCA and Opto Compressor
Duplex Comp Lite by Viator DSP is a serial compressor that enables you to achieve the popular technique of connecting two compressors in series with just one plugin. It consists of two identical compressor sections (“Units”) and a final limiter stage (“Rent Control”).
Both compressors can operate in VCA or Opto mode. They have all the necessary controls – threshold, ratio, attack, decay, variable knee, make-up gain, and even a sidechain high pass filter. The limiter offers threshold and release controls.
There’s also a paid version ($19.99) that adds oversampling, factory presets, and a built-in user manual. The Lite version is available for free, although you can name a fair price to support the developer.
Duplex Comp Lite runs on macOS and Windows in VST3 and AU formats.

Mrugalla ALLHaas: Stereo Widening Tool
ALLHaas by Florian Mrugalla is a free stereo widening and imaging tool for Windows. According to the developer, it uses “a ton of all-pass filters” to position elements in the mix and give them a sense of a new location.
Each of the two channels offers a distance control, which determines the number of all-pass filters. The cutoff and resonance (feedback) controls manipulate the filters themselves.
Moreover, ALLHaas can operate in L/R or M/S modes. It also includes a button for checking for mono compatibility.
ALLHaas is a VST3 plugin for Windows.
Looking for more free plugins like Shimmer Guitar, Duplex Comp Lite, and ALLHaas? Check out our archive!