Spectrus: Light up your fretboard
Darkened stages can be a confusing place for fretboard gymnastics; this gadget can help
Spectrus allows guitarists and bass players to see their fretboard when playing on a darkened stage. In theory, it should work on any instrument that will fit the micro suction cup such as guitars, basses, violins, cellos or ukeleles, for example.
Charge it up
Powered by a rechargeable battery this LED light affixes to your instrument, via, say, a guitar or bass headstock, and shines a light across your fretboard, allowing you to see where you are putting your fingers. You can also choose the colour of the LED light. Fretlord states you should get around 12 hours worth of use from a two-and-a-half-hour charge.
The Spectrus attaches to your headstock via a suction cup and clip arrangement, so there’s no need to drill into your prized instrument or damage it in any way. It’s a simple system, and hopefully enough to keep the Spectrus fixed in place during a frenetic live performance.

Fretlord Spectrus LED headstock light · Source: http://www.fretlord.com/SPECTRUSGUITARLED_p/spectrusguitarled.htm
I think it’s a neat idea, though I would probably forget to use it, as I’m a bit absent-minded. Or I might get blinded by strobes on stage (which is normal for me). However, it is pretty cheap and you may want to check one out if this is often a problem for you.
It’s also a lot cheaper than having LED fret markers fitted to your favourite guitar and a lot less intrusive, as no permanent modifications required.
RRP USD $49.99 plus shipping and taxes
For more on the Fretlord Spectrus, check out their site.