35 Great Studio Deals on Interfaces, Microphones, Monitors, and More!
Save on the Purchase of Audio Interfaces, Studio Monitors, Microphones, and Other Studio Equipment
These studio deals are not for the faint-hearted! You’ll find 35 different deals, including audio interfaces, studio monitors and subwoofers, microphones, and other studio gear. All from Universal Audio, Rode, Eve Audio, RME, Adam Audio, Yamaha, and other top-notch manufacturers. It’s worth a look. And if you’re looking for even better deals, you can find them here.
35 Great Studio Deals – The Categories
Studio Deals Galore!
We regularly check which products are on sale at Thomann. And today we found quite a few offers. In these recording deals you will find 35 offers from well-known manufacturers.
These include audio interfaces, microphones, studio monitors and subwoofers, as well as various studio equipment. The prices of all these products have been reduced, sometimes by just a few bucks, sometimes by much more. However, we don’t know how long the offers will last. So you have to expect that a product might be sold out and that the price reductions are limited in time. So don’t wait too long if you’re interested in something – but you probably already know that!
To make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for, we’ve grouped the deals into four categories: Audio Interfaces, Microphones, Studio Monitors, and Other Studio Gear. Enjoy browsing!
Audio Interface Studio Deals
- Roland Rubix44: €221 (instead of €239)
- Behringer UMC1820: €199 (instead of €258)
- Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 4th Generation: €249 (instead of €276)
- Universal Audio Apollo Apollo x8 Heritage Edition: €2459 (instead of €2679)
- RME Babyface Pro FS: €749 (instead of €814)
- Arturia MiniFuse 4 White: €185 (instead of €219)
- Arturia MiniFuse 2 Black: €128 (instead of €139)
- EVO 16: €457 (instead of €508)
- MOTU M6: €461 (instead of €489)

Microphone Studio Deals
- Antelope Edge Note: €109 (instead of €149)
- Warm Audio WA-87 R2B: €555 (instead of €615)
- Warm Audio WA-87 R2: €555 (instead of €629)
- Mojave MA-200 SN: €1265 (instead of €1399)
- Mojave MA-300 SN: €1385 (instead of €1689)
- DPA 2015: €677 (instead of €729)
- Sennheiser E 965: €399 (instead of €479)
- sE Electronics X1R: €199 (instead of €229)
- sE Electronics X1S Studio Bundle: €237 (instead of €269)
- Rode K2: €662 (instead of €729)

Studio Monitor Deals
- ADAM Audio S2V: €1359 (instead of €1599)
- ADAM Audio Sub 8: €609 (instead of €679)
- ADAM Audio Sub10 Mk2: €1069 (instead of €1149)
- EVE Audio SC307: €991 (instead of €1079)
- EVE Audio SC204: €316 (instead of €359)
- EVE Audio SC208: €759 (instead of €799)
- EVE Audio TS107: €529 (instead of €599)
- EVE Audio TS108: €755 (instead of €799)
- Yamaha HS7I: €279 (instead of €299)
- Genelec 8040 BWM: €929 (instead of €979)
- Genelec 8030 CW: €575 (instead of €609)
- Genelec 8010 AW: €296 (instead of €319)

More Studio Deals
- Golden Age Audio Premier PREQ-73: €605 (instead of €649)
- Warm Audio WA73: €609 (instead of €666)
- Heritage Audio Tubesessor: €1799 (instead of €1899)
- Warm Audio Bus-Comp: €665 (instead of €749)
- Dangerous Music Bax EQ: €3799 (instead of €4192)
- Dangerous Music Compressor: €3999 (instead of €4472)

*Please note: This Studio Deals article contains advertising links that help us pay for this site. Don’t worry: the price for you will always be the same! If you buy something through these links, we’ll get a small commission. Thank you for your support!