Superbooth 2018: Frap Tools Falistri Movement Manager will light up your patch
“‘Falistri’ is what lights up your patch and takes care of how it moves, through sparks, motions and crackles. It’s a fully analogue multipurpose trajectory manager designed to generate and process voltages to easily accomplish any patch.” Frap Tools are very good at describing their modules in non-specific terms. Let’s see if we can work out what it does.
There are two things going on in this module (at least). The top part of the module deals with Function Generators, the bottom deals with Function Editors. You could say it’s a bit like the Make Noise Maths, in which case no one is going to understand it any time soon (I’m kidding!).
Function Generators
This can be about envelopes. You can morph between Log/Lin/Exp without changing the timing of the Rise and Fall, or loop time when being used as an oscillator. Each stage of the envelope can have its own shape, so a linear Rise and a logarithmic Fall for instance. There’s a Time Switch that can scale the time factor on both Rise and Fall. They can be triggered manually or via CV in three modes:
- Loop – End of Fall triggers start of Rise.
- Transient – only the low-to-high transition is used to start the Rise stage and the Fall stage automatically follows
- Sustained – same as transient but Fall stage only starts when the transition drops.
Finally, a “Q – Quadrature” mode combines the yellow and green generators in interesting ways.
Function Editors
These consist of Cascaded Frequency Dividers a Four Quandrant Multiplier and a Linear Slew Limiter. Or, in more regular language, a flip/flop, a ring modulator and a glide.
It’s an impressive looking module and no clearer than the Maths in any way shape or form – perfect for modular people. Check out their webpage for all the delicious detail.
More information
- Frap Tools Falistri webpage.