Superbooth 2021: IO Instruments Kalyke and Kallichore
First debuted at SynthBooth last year Kalyke dual function generator and Kallichore 6 x digital oscillator are nearly here!
Module development times have taken been stretched over the past year due to all sorts of Covid related reasons and chip shortages. I had hoped to have seen these in the wild by now but IO Instruments are reintroducing them at Superbooth in something closer to their final form although judging by the rendered images and lack of actual photos, they could still be some way off.
Kalyke is a dual function generator with a mult-waveform LFO and ADSR with various curves and loop and ratchet modes. The ADSR is controlled by the central sliders and CV control comes in on the left and the results go out on the right. There are lots of knobs to control the shape and timing of the waveforms making it a very adjustable and sculptable generator of functions.
This digital oscillator features 3 pairs of oscillators. While individual oscillators get to choose their own waveforms, tuning, glide, level and modulation they are addressed in terms of the pitch in pairs. Oscillators can modulate each other or be banked up into unison. Over MIDI you can play with full polyphony. There’s a bit of drift built-in for authentic analogue behaviour. Most of the action is run by the screen and the knobs and buttons change depending on what page you’re on.
It would be really great to get some simple explanations and demonstrations of what these modules can do, hopefully, video makers at Superbooth will be able to come up with the goods. IO Instruments presentations up until now have been a bit impenetrable. I’m sure there are fascinating things going on in here somewhere, they just need to be teased out.
IO Instruments will be in booth W300.