Apogee add Windows “support” for MiC 96k

11 Aug 2016 in
While Apogee's PR department like to imply that this is a new version of the MiC 96k, all that's new is "support" for Windows. Why the quotation marks around the word support? Read on to find out...

Ashly DigiMix24: new mixer and interface spotted!

11 Jun 2016 in
Spotted at InfoComm16 in Las Vegas this week was this new digital compact mixer with USB audio interface. It's produced by Ashly, who have a reputation for delivering surprise products. DigiMix24 looks very ...

Avid Pro Tools Dock hits the streets

02 Jun 2016 in
There's been a mixed reaction to the new Pro Tools Dock since it's announcement, so now we'll see what users really think as it starts to find its way into studios.

Audified MixChecker revealed: Now all is clear

17 May 2016 in
Last week we saw a teaser video on YouTube for a new product from Audified, but it wasn't clear what it did, how it did it, and if it was going to be hardware or software. Now it's released, is this a tool for ...