29 Results for "reaktor"
Komplete 11 officially announced by Native Instruments
02 Aug 2016 in Synths
After some unfortunate leaks Native Instruments officially announce Komplete 11. Is there enough new stuff for the increased upgrade price or are we buying more of the same?
Complete details for Komplete 11 arrive on the internet
01 Aug 2016 in Synths
Still nothing on the NI website but we've got the full details of the contents of Komplete 11 and Komplete Ultimate 11
Is Native Instruments about to announce Komplete 11?
17 Jul 2016 in Synths
A promotional image for Komplete 11 Ultimate emerges from the depths of the internet. Is it for real? Probably!
Epic Soundlab release Quadrimorph Spectral Crossmorphing thing
14 Jun 2016 in Studio
No, I have no idea what that means either but Quadrimorph makes some great monster noises.