Apogee add Windows “support” for MiC 96k

11 Aug 2016 in
While Apogee's PR department like to imply that this is a new version of the MiC 96k, all that's new is "support" for Windows. Why the quotation marks around the word support? Read on to find out...

Zylia ZM-1: defying the rules of recording

16 Jul 2016 in
The ZM-1 performs the impossible. Allegedly. Imagine a band sitting around one mic, after which you were able to balance their individual levels and isolate them. Can this possibly work as well as its makers ...

Avid Pro Tools Dock hits the streets

02 Jun 2016 in
There's been a mixed reaction to the new Pro Tools Dock since it's announcement, so now we'll see what users really think as it starts to find its way into studios.