215 Results for "wavetable"
NAMM 2019: FLAME MÄANDER 4-voice desktop synthesizer and filter bank
25 Jan 2019 in Synths
Flame Maander looks like an impressive desktop synthesizer featuring 4-voice wavetable synthesis, a sequencer and a fabulous 12 band analog filter bank. UPDATED WITH VIDEO!
NAMM 2019: U-He reveals Hive 2 synthesizer
23 Jan 2019 in Synths
U-He gives us a sneak preview of the new Hive 2 due to arrive in the 2nd Quarter of 2019. A new interface, new modulations and NKS support and the key features as well as backwards compatibility.
NAMM 2019: Phase Plant hybrid modular with synthesis, sampling and “Snapins”
17 Jan 2019 in Synths
Kilohearts has expanded their Snapin system of effect chain modules into a completely modular hybrid virtual synthesizer. Use sound sources as Generators, add Modulators and load on the Snapin modules
MASSIVE X delayed until June while Native Instruments reveal more details
16 Jan 2019 in Synths
We all thought MASSIVE X was just a couple of weeks away but sadly it's been bumped to a June release. But now we know it's a dual wavetable modulating monster it should be worth the wait.
Arturia Pigments: a swirling polyrhythmic, modulating and randomising mega-synth
11 Dec 2018 in Synths
Arturia has dropped Pigments, a visually enticing mega-synth that takes modulation, randomisation and probability to some very interesting places. Get your first in-depth look here!
DUNE 3: the Differential Unison Engine software synthesizer gets an upgrade
11 Dec 2018 in Synths
More voices and oscillators in unison than you could possibly use, doubling up on filters and arpeggiators and a complete wavetable editor make this one decent upgrade.
Incoming from Arturia – here comes the tease machine
06 Dec 2018 in Synths
Arturia tease us with a 19 second video announcing that it's time for them to... do something. Combing through the frames I think I know what it is...
Modal CRAFTsynth 2.0 futuristic monophonic wavetable synth that’s not a kit
03 Dec 2018 in Synths
Wait a minute this bears absolutely no resemblance to the original CRAFTsynth! CRAFTsynth 2.0 is not a fun little DIY synth it's a serious box of monophonic wavetable goodness so what's with the name?
Percussa mSSP: a Super Signal Processor in a sensibly sized Eurorack module
23 Nov 2018 in Synths
Percussa has made a much smaller and cheaper version of their Super Signal Processor module. The mSSP has the same engine and the same awesome versatility as a multi-function sound source and processor.
AnalogFusion: a dual engine analog and digital polyphonic synthesizer
17 Oct 2018 in Synths
AnlogFusion is a rather tasty looking polyphonic synthesizer. It fuses two separate synthesizer engines, one analog and one digital making it less of a hybrid and more of a megasynth!
Scanned: an organic wavetable oscillator that dynamically grows waves
10 Oct 2018 in Synths
Scanned contains a string floating in space and time onto which you attach mass, stiffness and damping and then excite it with a hammer. Sounds like a fun way of generating wavetables.
Deal: grab the excellent DS Audio Diversion softsynth at 70% off until October 14
Diversion is a whole lotta' softsynth for what's the minimal cost of a proper night out in Sofia, Bulgaria. The deal's up until October 14, so you're not even rushed or anything.Mutable Instruments reboots Tides: the Tsunami of Modulation
21 Sep 2018 in Synths
Without the dramatic discontinuation of the original module, Mutable Instruments have quietly upgraded and replaced their Tides: Tidal Modulator with the Tides: Tidal Modulator.
Cosmosƒ real-time dynamic stochastic synthesis engine reaches Saturn6
22 Aug 2018 in Synths
Saturn6 introduces "The Object" so rather than sculpting the concrete sonic material, you record your gestures targeting all parameters which construct the sound object. No, I have no idea what that means ...
Dreadbox Medusa hybrid synthesizer about to hit the shops
20 Aug 2018 in Synths
This sleek hybrid synthesizer from Dreadbox and Polyend comes with 3 analog and 3 digital oscillators and a grid of 64 expressive pads for performance and sequencing. Will you be enraptured by the Medusa?
Unexpectedly tuneful Ellitone Multi-Synth from noise maker Ellistronics
17 Aug 2018 in Synths
Ellistronics have moved beyond noise and distortion into unexpected tones and melody for their latest handmade synthesizer the Ellitone Multi-Synth. They sell out really fast so get one while you can!
Bring VST plugins into your Eurorack via the extraordinary Percussa SSP module
31 Jul 2018 in Synths
The latest update for the Percussa SSP Quad-Core ARM DSP processing module for Eurorack introduces the running of Linux compiled VST instruments and effects - golly!
Ellistronics Panic Voice Data-Distort Oscillator screams into life
10 Jul 2018 in Synths
Chewed out of the brain of a deranged digital distortion field the Panic Voice Data-Distort Oscillator will destroy your love of music and the lives of your children.
Waldorf KYRA: virtual analog FPGA powered hardware synthesizer we’ve seen before
08 Jun 2018 in Synths
Waldorf have picked up the Exodus Valkyrie, the only interesting thing at Musikmesse this year, and turned it into a potentially awesome virtual analog hardware synthesizer called Kyra.
Europa by Reason: Propellerhead release their first VST plug-in
30 May 2018 in Synths
Propellerhead have released their flagship spectral wavetable synthesizer as a VST/AU plug-in. Will Europa by Reason be a unique port to the format or is this the beginning of a new era for Propellerhead?
Native Instruments TRK-01: when a good kick and bass is all you need
28 May 2018 in Synths
So often your tracks start with a beat and bassline. Native Instruments TRK-01 focuses on making this ridiculously fun and easy with a Kick and a Bass sequenced and modulated to within an inch of its life.
Melody Puzzle Modular Synthesizer: playful 8-bit handmade patch machine
24 May 2018 in Synths
A conundrum of a modular synthesizer waiting to be puzzled over. The Melody Puzzle experimentally patches together all sorts of combinations in the hope of finding the solution to your musical yearnings.
Superbooth 2018: ALM reveals sampler, DCO, and envelope/LFO/step sequencer
04 May 2018 in Synths
ALM Busycircuits shows the prototypes of a number of modules including a sampler, a digital wavetable oscillator, a headphone amp and the Quaid Megaslope 5-stage envelope, LFO and step sequencer.