The “Blind” Panel: An inspiring blank Eurorack panel covered in Braille
“Be excellent to each other” is the message behind this inspiring blank panel that’s covered in Braille.
The “Blind” Panel
Tom Verschooten of ThreeTom Modular says that he was inspired to design “The Blind Panel” after an interaction with a blind customer. The panel has the Braille alphabet printed on it and has had solder added to the Braille characters to create bumps that would make them legible to a Braille reader.
On one side is the alphabet and the words “Be excellent to each other” but on the other is a secret message in Braille the contents of which he’s keeping to himself.
Tom then included The “Blind” panel with the blind customer’s order as a surprise and apparently, he’s very pleased. What a lovely and thoughtful act.
Using Eurorack must be quite a challenge for the visually impaired. While it’s a very tactile instrument there are so many variations in layout and connections that it can be quite boggling to those of us who can see what we’re doing. These are amazing people.
Tom has released The “Blind” Panel to the market for €10 each.
More information
- ThreeTom Modular website.