by Jef | 3,2 / 5,0 | Approximate reading time: 2 Minutes
Electro Harmonix VAcuum Tubes made in Russia

Electro Harmonix Vacuum Tubes made in Russia  ·  Source: EHX


Electro- Harmonix made an official announcement last week, stating that it could no longer manufacture and sell Russian made vacuum tubes. Restrictions and sanctions, as a direct result of the war in Ukraine, made it impossible. Now, barely a week later, the company has made a u-turn; however, it could be expensive news for anyone wanting Electro-Harmonix Russian Vacuum Tubes.


Electro-Harmonix Russian Vacuum Tubes

Below is the official statement from Electro-Harmonix:

The situation preventing the importing of Russian vacuum tubes has been resolved for now. As a result, we are accepting new orders, processing backorders, and hoping to resume shipping in April 2022. 

Considering the various economic pressures mentioned in our last announcement, we will be forced to raise our wholesale prices on these tubes. This price increase, which will be announced separately, will apply to all new orders and backorders. 

Also, there will likely be a further price increase imposed on shipments received after the U.S. government, following Canada’s lead (of imposing 35% tariffs), implements its own heightened tariffs. 

You can cancel any backorder if you wish, but we do not recommend this, as there is a tremendous shortage of tubes. 

EHX Russian made vacuum tubes available once more,

EHX Russian made vacuum tubes available once more, · Source: EHX

What does this mean?

Well, if you wanted to buy Russian-made vacuum tubes via Electro-Harmonix, then in theory, you can now have access to them once more. Although, the physical cost, and also the moral costs, of doing so will be something that you will have to take into account. The Electro-Harmonix factory in Russia produces vacuum tubes for Tung-Sol, Electro-Harmonix, EH Gold, Genalex Gold Lion, Mullard, Svetlana and Sovtek.


The Big Question

The question is: Will manufacturers and individuals avoid buying Russian made products, and instead boycott them? Or will they be prepared to pay the premium, and put up with Russian manufactured vacuum tubes? We’ll keep you updated as we learn more.

UPDATE 17/03/22

I received an updated slightly revised statement direct from Electro-Harmonix which you can read below.

Attention All EHX Tube Customers

The export restriction on Russian tubes has been resolved for now. We are accepting new orders, processing backorders, and hoping to resume shipping in April. Priority will be given to the oldest orders.

Considering various economic pressures, we must raise our wholesale prices. This price increase will apply to all back- and new orders. Also, there will likely be a further price increase for tubes shipped from our NYC headquarters once the government implements heightened tariffs against Russian goods, akin to the 35% rate Canada is now imposing. Other territories, including EU, UK, and Japan, are expected to follow suit.

You can cancel any backorder, but we do not recommend this; there is a tremendous shortage of tubes.

Mike Matthews

More Information on EHX

Electro Harmonix VAcuum Tubes made in Russia

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33 responses to “Electro-Harmonix Russian Vacuum Tubes: A Solution Found?”

    Hugh says:

    Even Coke and McDonalds managed to stop doing business in/with Russians. I think musicians can do without Russian tubes, especially with digital as an option. This is a poor choice for EH, and one that will be remembered.

      Ian says:

      I agree. Go with JJ.

      Darren Taylor says:

      I didn’t invest in a almost a grand on a Marshall valve head so I could play through a digital effort by Line 6.
      Valve amps are and will be for a long time a bench mark in guitar amplification which is why they have stood the test of time.

      Mark Stevens says:

      EHX is a joke I ordered JJ tubes about $400 I got everything but. I returned my order and they now accuse me of keeping a portion of that order. Also they claim to own Russian factories,,, read the fine print, they are at best leasing rights to see certain brands

    Charles Spencer De Fontaine says:

    Hi my Name is Charles De Fontaine, co founder and designer and made Spencer tube Audio ‘ Amplifiers and Preamplifier products, I am so sad and frustrated that my small production line is going to hit me to a halt’ as prices on all electronic components skyrocketed with the dollar crisis gone really high and the war in Ukraine has paralized all the tube Audio industry, workd wide . Being here in Srilanka is quite intence, I prefer to join hands with some hi end Audio manufacturers in the USA or europe where I could share my expertise in design and build super audio Products ,that outstands the rest thank you.

    I used to purchase your tubes when i was student in uk. It is now the same situation in sri lanka.i am looking for 4cx 1500 tube

    Ian says:

    Breaks my heart, but perhaps it’s time to go tranny….

    John says:

    I don’t see why defending a corrupt second world president’s term has to do with my tube amp. Happy EHX found a way around it 🙂

    Jun says:

    Why punish the man for the actions of a man. At the same time I hope this incentives a USA or European based company to start up.

      Fabio says:

      I hope So too so Brimar its a British brand,failed and ended for decades from 2019 they ve started to produce tubes made in Britain again. and I strongly believe Americans should start tube production too.

      Anthony Mann says:

      Too many bureaucrats and environmentalists in this country to manufacture vacuum tubes in this country.

    Richard says:

    I’m done with EHX, plenty of other options. Supporting the Russian economy while they invade another country is not aligned with my morals. But hey “tubes at any cost” right?
    So lame, so uncaring … so bye EHX go twiddle your Big Muff

      John says:

      I’m buying my little brother a big muff right now just to spite you

      DIG says:

      EXH are junk anyway in my book, keep it

      Mark says:

      EHX is a joke I ordered JJ tubes about $400 I got everything but. I returned my order and they now accuse me of keeping a portion of that order. Also they claim to own Russian factories,,, read the fine print, they are at best leasing rights to see certain brands

    Jeremiah Wilson says:

    Not all Russians are bad people and they need to eat as well. Facilities will not be built in USA or it would have been done already. When the world is standing by judging through flashes of media click bait just remember not everyone is a soldier and does not condone or want any type of violence. I have Russian friends that I will not throw away because of Putin.

    moselblues says:

    Its finally time to step away from this ancient technology. tube amps got obsolet due to modern dsp

    Chuck Glisson says:

    And um, we can’t produce Vacuum Tubes in the U.S. because?

    Oh yeah, I forgot, it’s because “Russia” is SO MUCH MORE ADVANCED than the REST of “The World”!

    Or maybe, those “Magical Tubes” are required to be manufactured with special “Russian Air”, RIGHT?

      Corner3 says:

      I mean, nobody is stopping you from starting your own company to build vacuum tubes in the US.

      Joseph C says:

      Insufficient demand. Few people want tubes. All US tube mfrs have been destroyed when rendered obsolete.

      DIG says:

      NO! the reason these USA factories went to sleep is because the foreign tube makes slashed their costs so much USA couldn’t compete, however in less than a decade they raised their prices to over 5 times what USA tubes ever were..

      it was one large sham and no one says a word.. not leadership, consumers no one..

      I say we fire those tube makers back up.. put Americans to work for once..

    jeff bobinski says:

    Boycotting Russian tubes is not going to touch Putin or the Russian war machine. It’s going to hurt old Russian Ladies with handkerchiefs over their heads that work at Sovtek.

      DIG says:

      so what? what about old American ladies who could be working at tube pants? there are 2 in the USA ready to go back online..

      WHY NOT?

      the USA never ever needed to be dependant on ANY nation for ANYTHING!

    Dig Baddy says:

    Although digital amps do not yet sound as good as tube amps–this is a problem that has a solution. Perhaps the answer is for some resourceful individual (software engineer) to design the software that will ultimately lead to vintage tube tones in a modern digital amp. It is a software problem–and one that should be easy to address–if the right person is incentivized to do so.

      J.P. says:

      I think they already*sound* as good as tube amps.
      The real issue is that they do not FEEL like tube amps.
      I admittedly may not be able to tell the difference in a good profiler and a tube amp blindfolded, but when I plug into it I can tell immediately!
      It’s the dynamic latency (for lack of better term) that needs to be perfected.

    DIG says:

    welp, these aren’t that good of tubes to begin with, most the good tubes are made in slovakia, JJ, Telefunken. then you have British, GT are made in mexico so no big loss if any, why feed and support the violent greed movement?

    there are 2 factories in the USA sleeping so if we need to fire those factories back up and put AMERICANS back to work oh well…

    ridiculous these foreign tube companies sold tubes at such a low cost USA companies couldn’t compete therefore shut down, then in less than a decade the foreigners their costs for those same tubes 5 times the amount the USA tubes ever were.. and the people say nothing..

    the USA was the leader in every category, and selling to Americans! a few corrupt politicians put an end to that and now all we can get is junk chinese foreign wares, its all crap.. who cares if the USA gets back all her industry? at least then we will have quality useable goods..


    Matthew says:

    The Great British Valve Project is a great initiative by British Valve enthusiasts resurrecting valve production from the ashes. They bought amongst others ancient equipment from the former Ei (Yugoslavia) production lines.
    Would be great to see them succeed. Maybe worth considering investing in this project for Mr. Matthews? The British political situation is at least more stable compared to that of Russia..

    J.P. says:

    Has anyone heard ANYTHING in regards to the new U.S. made tubes yet???
    Western Electric announced they would be manufacturing the common guitar amp tubes in the near future, claiming they were already largely geared up to do so…
    So far I haven’t heard any updates in a year and yes I have contacted them directly with no response on their behalf.

    I hope something hita the market sooner rather than later.
    No doubt they would be very high quality and they claimed they could be competitively priced.
    I mean, yeah… they would be the most expensive tubes on the market, no doubt but I just hope they aren’t $1500.00 a pair like their current production 300b tubes.

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