by Robin Vincent | Approximate reading time: 1 Minute

Small is often considered to be beautiful and synthesizers don’t come much weenier than this. The Tiny TS is a credit card sized synthesizer complete with the smallest keyboard you’ve ever squeezed your fingers onto.


Tiny TS

There’s not a whole lot to go on. There’s no sound examples or videos as yet. But the website says they will be available in December. They are currently running an Indiegogo campaign to raise $2000 and the perk options run from just the PCB to a complete kit. Although the circuit diagram and software is open source and free to anyone they want the cash to produce PCB’s and kits for people to buy.



Squeezed onto the PCB is an audio output plus CV and Gate outputs. Running along the front are 6 syntheizer parameter dials – which you might need a screwdriver to turn. The CV’s output  1volt per octave and the Gate comes from the capacitive keyboard. The tweakable parameters include DCO pitch and double, DCF peak and envelope modulation, and Envelope attack and release. The Tiny TS us built upon the ATmega328 MCU. It runs on a 9v battery which is going to cause quite a bump in your credit card wallet.

The pricing is as follows: $20 for the PCB only, $30 for the PCB and preporgrammed chip which is probably the minimum you need unless you really want to get into software. $50 for a full kit with all the parts and $60 if you want them to build it for you. They say they’ll squeeze some out before Christmas if you get in there quickly.

More information on Janost’s blog at DSP Synthesizers.

Tiny TS synthesizer

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