by Bob Malkowski | 5,0 / 5,0 | Approximate reading time: 2 Minutes

Waves has just launched the Waves Fit Controller, a physical, hands-on way of controlling its eMotion LV1 live mixing software. It’s a move that’s left us slightly confused, however, as LV1 was designed around touch screen operation. Never mind, pass us the faders, thanks…


Waves Fit Controller

Anyone who’s made music on a computer will have heard of Waves and likely used their plugins; Waves is an undoubted market leader when it comes to powerful plug-ins. What you might not be aware of, is that Waves also makes an entire software-based live mixer system called the eMotion LV1 , based on its SoundGrid platform.

At 2000 dollars, the software is aimed very much at touring pros who value the integration with Waves studio plugins. Interestingly, Waves built LV1 with touch screen control in mind. But f you’ve ever worked a mixing desk in a hot, sweaty club, you’ll know that a touch-screen maybe isn’t the best idea!


Has Waves had a change of heart in launching the Waves Fit Controller? The new Controller is just the ticket if you’ve been looking for a hands-on way of working with Waves LV1.

Hands-on Control

Co-engineered by Waves and Midiplus, the Waves Fit Controller offers 16 touch-sensitive, 100mm motorised faders. There’s also a full complement of bright strip displays and rotary encoders, for each channel. The Waves Fit looks to be a sturdy piece of kit in a full metal enclosure and has also been designed so it can be rack-mounted. So far so good then it seems…

So how much is it then? Well, the answer is, not cheap. But crucially, not extortionate either. Waves’ published price for the Waves Fit Controller is $1200; perhaps a lot for a controller, but maybe not a lot for one with these features? When considered in the context of a full live setup such as the Waves eMotion LV1 Proton, it fares favourably.

We suspect that Waves’ target audience will probably pick up a Waves Fit Controller without a moment’s thought. It’s a niche accessory, for a niche mixing solution, but one which seems designed with its niche clientele in mind.

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2 responses to “Waves Fit Controller: hands-on control for eMotion LV1 live software mixer”

    Brian says:

    I wish they’d open this up to all DAW’s and not just the eMotion platform.

    Digipro says:

    Wish granted! FIT is now compatible with the HUI/Mackie protocols for Pro Tools, Logic, Ableton Live, and Cubase. FIT can serve as your controller for these DAWs, with FIT controls mapped to specific DAW parameters. FIT also comes with four DAW-specific plastic covers, showing which FIT knobs control which DAW parameters.

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