by Robin Vincent | 5,0 / 5,0 | Approximate reading time: 1 Minute
Wusik BITSQ8

Wusik BITSQ8  ·  Source: Wusik

Wusik BITSQ8

Wusik BITSQ8  ·  Source: Wusik

Wusik BITSQ8

Wusik BITSQ8  ·  Source: Wusik


BITSQ8 is a retro-infused four-voice software synthesizer with morphable and sequenceable waveforms. The plugin interface looks fabulous housed in an old CRT screen.



The basic idea is that you have four oscillators in four columns on the screen, each with four layers of waveforms. Each oscillator can be setup as a single, dual, triple or super oscillator. The waveforms can then be sequenced and morphed between giving some really interesting timbres and textures. You can choose from over 600 included waveforms.

Wusik BITSQ8

Wusik BITSQ8 · Source: Wusik

The morphing can be done in 8-bit or 4-bit for some good lo-fi crunch. The morph happens between the waveforms sequenced via each oscillator’s internal step-sequencer. The sequencer can also be directed to all sorts of parameters such as volume, pan, filter and so on. Randomising can be done with a click.

I’m enjoying the styling of the interface. The retro vibe is very strong and it encourages you to use keyboard shortcuts and tab to navigate around like you would in the days before the mouse. At the same time it also brings the clumsiness and complexity of having to deal with little bar graphs and poorly labelled controls – but that’s part of the charm.

Wusik BITSQ8

Wusik BITSQ8 · Source: Wusik

I can’t pretend to understand exactly what’s going on here but there are some fascinating presets and it seems capable of producing wonderfully weird and powerful sounds. I think you might need to be pretty dedicated to start crafting your own, but all the tools are there.

There’s a beta version available to try for free otherwise the full release is available for Windows only for $9.95.

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Wusik BITSQ8

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3 responses to “Wusik BITSQ8: Wave Morphable Sequencer Synth”

    William Kalfelz says:

    Oh yeah, thank you guys! 🙂 <3

    Jon B says:

    Sounds amazing!

    Guilherme Kalfelz says:

    Just finished up the new Drum Machine and Sample Player sections

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