Apple MacOS 10.13 High Sierra - should I update?

MacOS High Sierra 10.13: Should you update?

26 Sep 2017 · Apple has just published a new update to OSX - but should you update right away? We checked out a few apps and called the most important software developers. Find out here if your software is supported.

iZotope teasing new Ozone and Neutron versions?

25 Sep 2017 · iZotope is due to update its stuff. It looks like something is on the horizon, for the company published a short teaser video on its YouTube channel. The clip most likely refers to Ozone 8 and Neutron 2...

Drummers and why we all love them soooo much…

27 Aug 2017 · Drummers - we love 'em really. Especially the über-intelligent things they say in the studio! Jared Dines' new parody video on Facebook contains many lines you'll have heard from your drummer, we promise...