Top 5 Virtual Rhodes Electric Pianos

15 Jul 2016 · The iconic sound of the Rhodes electric piano is part of our musical consciousness. Here's my top 5 software recreations of this classic instrument.

Roland SH-5: Sampled From Mars

14 Jul 2016 · Another old synth gets the Samples From Mars treatment and the Roland SH-5 is great sounding and often overlooked source of noises.

New Infected Mushroom plugin: Pusher by Waves

08 Jul 2016 · I'm normally very skeptical of any signature plugin, but this one resonates with me: it aims to deliver the high standard for audio processing Infected Mushroom are renowned for.

Touch Innovations unveil Emulator 2

07 Jul 2016 · After a false start last week Emulator 2 is finally here - but have Touch Innovations given the finger to the "free updates for life" SmithsonMartin users? (updated)