by Robin Vincent | Approximate reading time: 3 Minutes
Superbooth20 Home Edition

Superbooth20  ·  Source: Superbooth


Where can you find what’s going on with the virtual “Superbooth20 Home Edition”? Don’t worry, we’ve been tracking it down and will be covering the whole splattering of events. Start here!


Virtual Superbooth 20

After the novel Coronavirus put paid to Superbooth20, there’s been lots of talk about a virtual “Superbooth20 Home Edition”. But it’s been hard to track down what that actually means or where to find it. We saw the trailer from Superbooth themselves but there’s also been talk from people like Sonic State and many others about doing something online over the time that Superbooth would have been on in Berlin.

Superbooth would have run from Thursday the 23rd to Saturday the 25th April and dozens of manufacturers would have been showing their latest Eurorack and synthesizer orientated gear. There would have been seminars and live performances throughout the show and it would have also been a wonderfully social time. The plan is to give all those people who have been working on products for Superbooth a platform and opportunity to share things virtually either in live streams or pre-made videos. There will also be live-streamed performances, interviews, chats and generally hanging out in a socially distanced but hopefully fund and engaging way.

Superbooth and Sonic State

Superbooth themselves plan to be hosting live performances online from 2pm on the 23rd April. Nick at Sonic State, who normally does a huge amount of coverage at the show, is planning to start posting videos from the 24th to the 26th. Originally they were calling it Q-Sonic in order not to muscle in on the Superbooth name but as it turns out Superbooth are happy for everyone to do that and to use the #superbooth20 or #superbooth20homeedition. I spoke to Nick at Sonic State about the schedule and basically they are flat out putting together videos that no one has had time to come up with a schedule. So information on both Sonic’s and Superbooth’s plans for this week is all yet to be announced.

Other content for Superbooth20

There are plenty of other events happening in and around the Superbooth few days that should grab your attention. The best place for information on live streams is a list of “Isolation Streams” maintained by Ben Wilson (DivKid) over on his blog. Some events have already happened like this past weekend a load of videos and streams came from the Southern California Synth Society Summit which you can now watch on their YouTube channel.


Here are a few events coming up for your consideration:

  • Hainbach & Konstantine have been running a “Single Malt Synthesis” stream and over the show dates in a “Special Reserve” event they will be presenting all sorts of content from boutique products, chats with synth makers, performances and virtual social gatherings. Click here.
  • Mylar Melodies is doing a live performance featuring a Moog Grandmother, DFAM and his Eurorack system on Wednesday night at 10pm BST. Here’s the link.
  • Ableton Loop is another event that was cancelled and usually runs in Berlin at the same time as Superbooth and they have streams and videos planned for the 24th – 26th April. Put your mouse here.
  • Molten Chat – and this is my own contribution. A series of informal live stream chats with a range of people involved in Eurorack and synthesizers. It’s already started with Simon The Magpie and DivKid which you can watch back in my channel. But upcoming this week I’m talking to Manu from Befaco, modular performer Eden Grey and Girts Ozolins from Erica Synths. Then I’ve got more lined up for a couple more weeks like synth historian Marc Doty, This is Not Rocket Science, Bob Rogue from Black Corporation and many more.

But tonight it’s Manu Retamero from Befaco.

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More Information

More to come

Undoubtedly more events, videos and streams will emerge this week as we head towards what will be a pretty intense time of synth-focused internet activity. We’ll be covering it all and bringing you our thoughts on new products and ideas as they appear.

More information

  • DivKid’s Isolation Streams page.
  • Superbooth page.
Superbooth20 Home Edition

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